Some System-Level Basics (Gnome)
- In settings > "Mouse and Track Pad", put "Mouse Speed" about in the dead center and turn off "Natural Scrolling"
- In Gnome Keyboard settings, change "Switch windows of an application" OR "Switch windows of an app directly" to "Super + Escape"
- You may also want to remap commands like "View split on left" and "Move one monitor left", as well as the Workspace commands
- Download the Gnome Tweaks Tool via the Pop app store. In Tweaks:
- Remap Caps Lock to Control in "Keyboard & Mouse" > "Additional Layout Options".
- Suggested: Change "Mouse" "Acceleration Profile" to "Flat"
Change your desktop background!
Disable blinking cursor in gnome-terminal: In terminal:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-blink false
Gnome-terminal profile
Head over to my linux-config repo to load my Gnome terminal profile.
If there's a problem, dconf dump /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/
might be helpful, as it lists the profiles loaded on your system.
Changing Default Fonts
Weirdly the only place I could find this is in Gnome Tweak Tool (which I think I installed via the GUI Pop software store). Here are the defaults and what I changed them to:
- Window title: Fira Sans SemiBold 10 --> Noto Sans CJK KR Bold 10
- Interface: Fira Sans Book 10 --> Noto Sans CJK KR Regular 10
- Document: Roboto Slab Regular 11 --> IBM Plex Sans Regular 11
- Monospace: Fira Mono Regular 11 --> Deja Vu Sans Mono Book 11
You can download IBM Plex here.