At my second meet-up of this week, I ventured north to the east 20s for Building JavaScript Games. Our task was to build a seemingly simple game called Strike 9.

How the Game is Played

At the beginning of a turn, the “computer” rolls two die. The player has squares numbered 1 through 9 to make the sum of the computer’s roll. The trick is that when the player uses a number it is removed from the board. So for example, if computer rolls a 9, the player can choose to remove any of the following combinations: [9], [1,8], [2,7], [1,2,6], [2,3,4], etc. If he or she uses, say, the 1 and the 8, on the next roll neither 1 or 8 will be available.

Huh? / Live Demo

Yeah, it’s kind of hard to explain in words. Here’s a live demo (and my GitHub repo).

How I Approached the Basic Gameplay

The meat of this project lives in strike9-board.js. onload we initialize some arrays and variables, then call resetGame(), which draws our 9 HTML canvas’s and rolls the 2 die for the first time.

From there we wait for the player to click one of the 9 canvases. When a canvas is clicked, we make sure it hasn’t been clicked yet in this game. Then we mark it as clicked in the board_array and we remove that number from the player_moves_remaining array. We also add the number to player_total.

Eventually we have to figure out if the player won, lost, or can keep playing on that turn. Here’s a excerpt of that code:

// the player just made a sum...

// check if player has won
if (board_array.indexOf(0) == -1){   
  alert("Oh hey, You won!");
} else { //still playing
  // re-roll dice. 
  computer_roll = rollTwoDie();

  // with new dice roll, we can already figure out if the game is over
  if (isGameOver(computer_roll, player_moves_remaining)){
    alert("Computer's next roll is " + computer_roll + "...Game over :(");
  } else { // if there exists a way to make the roll's sum...
    sendMessage(randPraise() + "<br>New roll is " + computer_roll);
    // reset for new roll, same game
    possible_combinations = []; 
    player_total = 0;

By far the most interesting of these outcomes to check is if the player lost– which we do with the isGameOver() function called above. I wanted the game to know if the player lost right away– in other words if the player had 1, 2, and 4 remaining and the computer’s new roll was 5, I wanted the game to tell the player they had lost.

This might sounds simple, but– at least the way I went about it– turned out to be pretty non-trivial.

Coolest Challenge: When is the Game Over?

Ideally I wanted a function called isGameOver that returns true if the player can’t make the sum with the remaining numbers (like the case above), and false if the player can make the sum.

My approach was to generate an array of all ways to make a sum (in the above hypothetical, all the ways to add numbers to make 5). So given, say, 6, getAllPossAddends should return an array of arrays: [[6], [1,5], [2,4], [1,2,3]]. Note that we don’t want [3,3] because there’s only one 3 on the board, and we don’t want [5,1] because we already have [1,5] and order doesn’t matter here. And 6 itself should be included because, in line with the rules of the game, if the computer rolls a 6 you can just use the 6 square.

Once we get this array of possible combinations to make a given sum, which I call possible_combinations, we’ll just need to compare it to what numbers the player has left (player_moves_remaining) to see if isGameOver should be true or false. Cool? Sounds easy? OMG took me a whole day.

Let’s do this.

Part 1: Generating possible_combinations

Note: The section below has been edited and updated to reflect some significant refactoring I’ve performed.

So the first thing I wanted to do was write the function that would take in a sum, say 6 and spit back [[1,5], [2,4], [1,2,3], [6]]. I decided to call this function getAllPossAddends (“addends”, according to Wikipedia, is the technical term for what you add together to get a sum).

After a few days of tinkering, I wrote a recursive function to accomplish this task.

var possible_combinations = []; // I made this global

function getAllPossAddends(sum, baggage){
  // if baggage argument is undefined, this is our first run through
  // so set baggage = []
  // baggage is effectively an optional argument with a default value of [] if undefined in function call
  if (typeof baggage == 'undefined'){
    baggage = [];
    possible_combinations = [];
    possible_combinations.push([sum]); // can just play the number itself 

  for (var j=1; j < sum/2; j++){
    // if j is not in baggage and sum-j is not in baggage
    if (baggage.indexOf(j) == -1 && baggage.indexOf(sum-j) == -1){
      // add j and sum-j back to baggage to make our new array we may add as a possible_combination
      var new_array = baggage.concat(j, sum-j);

      // if new_array is NOT a subArray of possible_combinations yet... 
      if (!isSubArray(new_array,possible_combinations)){

      // prep new_baggage and send new sum and baggage back to top of the function
      var new_baggage = baggage.concat(j);
      getAllPossAddends(sum-j, new_baggage);

  return possible_combinations;

Let’s walk through it as if we called it with getAllPossAddends(10), so sum = 10 and baggage is undefined.

Right off the bat we use an if statement to check if baggage is undefined. If it is, we know that this is the “first time” we’re running through getAllPossAddends, and that we should set baggage = [] and reset possible_combinations. This setting of baggage to [] will make a little more sense in a minute.

Now to the meat of the function. First we loop from 1 to sum/2 (5 in our case). We then do some checks against baggage, which we’ll learn about in a minute. Note: this loop doesn’t go up to 5 because we put i < sum/2 not i <= sum/2, which is what we want– remember there aren’t 2 5s so we don’t want [5,5] to count as a possible_combination.

Eventually we make a new_array and set it equal to baggage.concat(j, sum-j). We don’t have any baggage yet, so for the first run through, j==1 and sum-j==9. And that’s good, because [1,9] is a possible way of making 10.

That’s a start, but what about [1,4,5] or (gulp) [1,2,3,4]? This is the problem that the recursion handles:

// prep new_baggage and send new sum and baggage back to top of the function
var new_baggage = baggage.concat(j);
getAllPossAddends(sum-j, new_baggage);

Basically, we want to take that 9 in [1,9] and expand it out to [[1,9], [1,2,7], [1, 3, 6], [1, 4, 5]]. We want to break that 9 down while keeping the 1 untouched (Notice how the 1 is the first element of every “sub-array”). I decided to call the 1 baggage, because it’s like, just along for the ride. With the baggage taken care of, what we want to do to the 9 is very similar to what we set out to do the 10– namely find all the ways to sum to it. Sounds like a case for recursion!

We’re going to call getAllPossAddends again, but first we have to set the new_baggage. In our example, right after we add [1,9], 9 is the sum-j we want to break down further, and j is 1, the baggage we want to pass along. We have to use baggage.concat(j) in case we got any baggage at the beginning of the run-through of the function, which will be the case every time except the first run-through.

On the second run-through in our example, the getAllPossAddends call is: getAllPossAddends(9, [1]). Now 9 is the new sum and [1] is the baggage (since baggage is defined, we do not execute that first if statement).

So the array we prepare, new_array, WOULD BE [1,1,8], but we have a check against duplicated numbers: if (baggage.indexOf(j) == -1 && baggage.indexOf(sum-j) == -1). j, which is equal to 1, is in fact present in baggage, so we’re not going to do anything in this for iteration. (Note: This is a bit wasteful, but refactoring further may make this thing a little too confusing.)

So we try again. On the next iteration of the for loop, j will be equal to 2 and sum-j == 7. This time we will make it through the if checks. baggage is still [1], so when we get to baggage.concat(2, 7) it’s going to evaluate to [1,2,7]. Then we’ll add it to possible_combinations.

We’ll then call the function again which sum-j equal to 7 and baggage == [1,2]. So the call will be getAllPossAddends(7, [1,2]), and we’ll go break down that 7. And so on! Crazy, right?

Part 2: Building My Own Array Tools

You may have noticed my use of a function called isSubArray. It checks whether the array we’re trying to add to possible_combinations has already been added (again, we don’t want duplicates).

Of course this function is not a standard JavaScript function, but one I wrote myself. I ended up writing 3 of these “array helper” functions in total.

// believe it or not, array.sort sorts numbers alphabetically, so we have to define our own sort for numbers
function sortArray(array){ 
  return array.sort(function(a, b){return a-b});

// this guy takes an array of arrays and sorts all of its sub-arrays using the above function
function sortAllSubArrays(array){
  for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
    array[i] = sortArray(array[i]);
  return array;

// the workhorse function in the trio. It sorts both the sub-array and the array of arrays using their respective functions. 
// then sees if any of the arrays in `array` match the given `subArray`
function isSubArray (subArray, array) {
  subArray = sortArray(subArray); //  need to sort both the subArray...
  array = sortAllSubArrays(array); // and the sub-arrays in array in order to compare them more easily

  for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    if(subArray.toString() === array[i].toString()){
      return true;
  return false;

Part 3: Putting It All Together

Cool, so now we have an array, possible_combinations, that’s full of all the ways our player could make a given sum (a given dice roll in our case). As I mentioned above, we also have an array of numbers that the player has left, called player_moves_remaining. Now all we have to do is compare them to figure out if the game is over.

Again, I broke this into 2 functions, but most of the work happens in playerHasAMove. player_moves_left is player_moves_remaining and passing_moves is our mega-awesome array of arrays, possible_combinations.

function playerHasAMove(player_moves_left, passing_moves){
  for(var i = 0; i < passing_moves.length; i++) {
    var matches = 0; 
    for(var j = 0; j < passing_moves[i].length; j++) {  
      if (player_moves_left.indexOf(passing_moves[i][j]) != -1){
        // we foudn a match
        matches = matches + 1;
    if (matches == passing_moves[i].length){
      return true;
  return false; 

function isGameOver(roll, player_moves_remaining){
  var ways_to_fulfill_roll = getAllPossAddends(roll);
  if (playerHasAMove(player_moves_remaining, ways_to_fulfill_roll)){
    return false; // game is not over
  } else {
    return true; // game is over

playerHasAMove first loops over the passing_moves and yields the sub-arrays like [1,9] and [1,3,6]. It then loops through these sub-arrays and looks for matches in player_moves_left using the indexOf method. If, for a given sub-array, all of its element are contained in player_moves_left, we return true. If we get to the end of passing_moves and the player is out of luck, we return false. This easily plugs into isGameOver, where we return the final true/false verdict.

Again, here’s where isGameOver is called:

// player just made a sum

if (board_array.indexOf(0) == -1){  // if board_array has no 0s, i.e. is all 1s 
  alert("Oh hey, You won!");
} else { //still playing
  // re-roll dice. 
  computer_roll = rollTwoDie();

  // with new dice roll, we can already figure out if the game is over
  if (isGameOver(computer_roll, player_moves_remaining)){
    alert("Computer's next roll is " + computer_roll + "...Game over :(");
  } else { // if there exists a way to make the roll's sum...
    sendMessage(randPraise() + "<br>New roll is " + computer_roll);
    // reset for new roll, same game
    possible_combinations = []; 
    player_total = 0;

Think that’s about it!

Side Note: I hope to write more programs that have a randPraise function:

function randPraise(){
  var praise = ["Awesome!", "Good job!", "Knew you could do it!", "Sweet!", "You got this!", "Again! Again!", "Keep it up!", "Keep going!", "Easy, right?"];
  var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (praise.length));
  return praise[rand];